B*Witched Music Video Production

Jesse Hold On

Campo Depot on July 22 and 23, 1999

SP #2353 starred in another production on July 22 and 23. The Irish group B*Witched sang "Jesse Hold On" and danced their way through the Campo depot area, with many scenes featuring our big steamer as a background. The four girls from Dublin (twins Edele and Keavy Lynch, Sinead O'Carroll and Lindsay Armaou) worked hard for two long days, even though the hot weather was nothing like that in Ireland!

The video begins with #2353 pulling a long passenger train into the station with Denby Jones at the throttle and Ken Kahan as fireman. Conductor Jack O'Lexey waves a flag to stop the train and lots of extras are on hand as passengers. A small platform was built and placed in front of the baggage car as a location for one of the dance scenes. Jim Baker can be seen here carrying a parcel behind the dancers. Engineer Larry Williams was creating puffs of steam on demand by turning a valve in the cab.

The final scene has the girls standing on the platform of the private car Robert Peary as it leaves the depot eastbound. Some scenes were shot at night, with #2353 brilliantly illuminated. Each of the girls was filmed individually (cameos) singing her part of the song with the locomotive right behind. Lew Wolfgang, Mike Edwards and Bob Kredel acted as liaisons with the mostly British production crew.

Museum member Jim Baker and dancers
Jim Baker and dancers
Jack O'Lexey and dancers
Jack O'Lexey and dancers
Jim Baker and Larry Williams
Jim Baker and Larry Williams
Posing next to SFRD car
Campo Depot scene
1916 Campo Depot
Lindsay Armaou
Lindsay Armaou
SP #2353
1912 4-6-0 SP #2353
Extras Rehearsal Metalsmith shop
Musuem member Jack O'Lexey
Jack O'Lexey
Ken Kahan and Denby Jones
Ken Kahan and Denby Jones
Bob Kredel and Lew Wolfgang
Bob Kredel and Lew Wolfgang
SDRM Crew Cameo shot
Looky loos
SP #2353

Page by Randy houk, last updated on July 30, 2011