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If you would like to join our Steam Team or if you have further questions, please contact the Steam Foreman at baker@sdrm.info. In 2008, we contracted with a very experienced and respected locomotive boiler inspector, Dave Griner, of Arizona Mechanical Engineering, to examine the boilers on both Southern Pacific 2353 and Coos Bay 11.
It was decided that Southern Pacific 2353 would be too expensive to restore at this time (see link), so we continued to evaluate Coos Bay 11. Mr Griner was optimistic in his visual examination of Coos Bay 11. Because it is such a major part of the locomotive, and probably the most expensive to repair, the boiler will be the first thing to take a good look at.
Photo 1: Hoisting off the front ![]()
In addition to a visual examination, it will be necessary to do a complete ultrasound examination of the boiler to determine the thickness of the steel. Areas that have eroded to the point that they would be unsafe under pressure will need to be replaced, so the ultrasound testing will determine the extent of repairs needed to the boiler. Certainly, repairs to other parts of the locomotive will also be needed.
Photo 2: Front end ![]()
Photo 4: Superheaters before removal ![]()
In order to get a good look at both the exterior and interior surfaces of the boiler, it would be necessary to remove the outer jacket and asbestos insulation, and all the boiler tubes. Then, all the accumulated scale and other crud that has collected inside the boiler would have to be cleaned out.
Fortunately, a number of years ago, a generous donor had agreed to do asbestos abatement work on all five of the steam locomotives we have at Campo. As part of that process, the saddle tank and sheet metal jacket had also been removed, so the locomotive was ready for us to start doing our job.
Photo 5: After the removal of the superheaters ![]()
During the past several years, our volunteers have worked on this project, putting in over 1,100 man-hours (including some woman-hours). Sometimes the progress was very slow, since a number of jobs required extensive "learning time."
In approximate order, we accomplished the following:
Removed the: smoke box door
smoke box frontPhoto 1 petticoat pipe
blast pipe
smoke box bafflePhoto 2 fire brick from the fire box Photo 3 all 26 superheater units
throttle spoolPhotos 4 & 5 23 of the 26 superheater flues Photos 6 & 7 160 boiler tubes
(short stubs remain at both tube sheets)Photo 8 oil burner Photo 9 throttle
14 of 23 wash-out plugsPhoto 10 And we: wire-brushed and vacuumed out all tubes prior to removal pressure washed the boiler interior cleaned out the sand domes (2) lubricated the running gear so the locomotive could be moved inspected the valve cylinders Photo 11 boxed and stored the cross-compound air compressor made covers for the dry pipe and superheater header had the boiler interior sand-blasted by a contractor Photos 12-16 vacuumed and washed remaining sand from around the mud ring Bob, Jim, Mike and Rich pose on #11 Banner Photo Now (Aug., 2010) our next few jobs: lubricate the running gear again lubricate the running gear again remove the tube stubs from the front tube sheet remove the remaining wash-out plugs draw a 1ft. X 1 ft. grid on the boiler for ultrasound measurements Status for year end 2010: Running gear has been thoroughly lubricated All wash-out plugs have been removed, lubricated, and re-installed to keep out the rain A plywood cover for the front of the smoke box was fabricated and installed Thirty of the 160 tube stubs have been removed from the front tube sheet Most of a 1 ft. X 1 ft. grid has been drawn on the boiler For the first part of 2011 we plan to: Finish removing the tube stubs from the front tube sheet Finish drawing the ultrasound grid Do the ultrasound testing
This page last updated November 23 2010