Welcome everyone to Pacific Southwest Railway Museum Association's first large scale rail excursion. A particular welcome is extended to those who were with us on the "Last Of the Yellow Cars Excursion."
PSRMA desires to stimulate citizen interest in railroads and railroading. The Association also endeavors to interest San Diego County residents in an operating railway museum project.
We regret the excursion fare is as high as it is. There is no choice. Santa Fe's equipment is based in Los Angeles and the train must be deadheaded from and to Los Angeles before and after the excursion. Extra train crews are needed. The minimum guarantee, of necessity, must be high.
PSRMA is appreciative of Santa Fe's interest and cooperation.
Railfan excursions can operate at a profit, they can also result in a substantial financial loss. If the "Fallbrook Chief" operates at a profit, proceeds will be placed in a revolving excursion fund and in a museum land acquisition fund.
Have a good time! Thanks for coming!
William Wootton, president
Wally Duthie, vice president
The SAFE way to travel is by TRAIN. Steel wheels riding on steel rails combined with employee and company adherence to operating rules give train travel its excellent safety record.
On an excursion train with the many stops and varied operations it is important that passengers be safety conscious. Here are some reminders:
- Actual operation of the train is the sole responsibility of railroad personnel. PSRMA members will assist with loading and unloading. No other person has any responsibility.
- Watch for train movements on adjacent tracks - particularly on the main line, (Continued page two, column two)
- Do not board or leave the train while it is in motion. "Play safe."
- Doors must be closed when the train is in motion.
- Children must be supervised by their parents. Young children should be with their parents when the train is moving.
- PSRMA members will advise guests of train stops and other activities.
- Passengers should limit themselves to 15 minutes on the observation platform. This type of equipment is rare, and all, especially youngsters, should have an opportunity to enjoy the ride on the platform.
- Do not lean out the doors or sit on rails in baggage ear and observation car.
8:15am Lv. National City 0.0
Station will be open)
8:45am Lv. San Diego 5.6
9:05 Ar Miramar 20.1
(photo stop - run by)
9:20 Lv. Del Mar 29.1
9:50 Ar. Oceanside 46.9
(Meet the Avocado Queen)
10:00 Ar. Fallbrook Jct. 49.0
(photo stop outbound, maybe inbound)
11:00 Ar. Fallbrook 65.9
(photofans go forward for Fallbrook arrival pictures)Passengers will visit avocado packing plant and be treated to avocado dip and lemonade. Meet Chamber of Commerce folk.
11:30 Lv. Fallbrook
12:20pm Ar. Fallbrook Jct.
12:30pm Ar. Oceanside (Railfans please take your pictures and allow non-railfans to take first shuttle buses to Oceanside) At Camp Del Mar Continuous: see barracks, mess hall, equipment displays, etc.
l:30pm Dress Parade
2:30pm Armed vertical (aerial) assault on a fortified position
4:00pm First buses return to Oceanside
4:45pm Raffle at Station
5:00pm Lv. Oceanside
5:30pm Ar. Del Mar
6:15pm Ar. San Diego
6:45pm Ar. National City
You are invited to walk through the "Fallbrook Chief." Train consist includes the locomotive units, photographers' baggage car, coaches, baggage lounge (hq car), snack car, coaches, and observation car.
Please patronize the snack car. There is a minimum guarantee and PSRMA would like to keep the attendants busy. Buy your rolls, doughnuts, sandwiches, coffee, soft drinks, candy and maybe some other items.
The O.E.T. Book Store will be in the baggage lounge. Excursion and museum folk are in the lounge also. Come in and visit us. PSRMA members will be happy to talk with you and sign you up for membership in the organization.
Don't ask for excursions through "Carriso Gorge." But we will answer your other questions. Take a walk, see the train and meet some friendly folk.