PSRMA INC. MEETS THIS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21 AT 7:30 P.M. in the Old Library Building in the center of the triangle on Prescott Street just south of Main Street in El Cajon. Because the meeting date is on a holiday weekend and there may be a few absentees, it is imperative that all who can attend should do so. Stanton Kerr, newly elected president, has a "State of the Union" message which includes comments about goals and projects. Indeed, he has one particular work project to suggest which should be of interest and attract volunteer help. He'll tell members what this is all about! Walter Hayward will give the Museum Committee report and Wallace Duthie has some in-teresting excursion news to report (see story on another page). Kerr reminds members that because planning has reached a critical stage it is desirable that each member attend each business meeting, offer ideas, and volunteer aid as needed.
1. Terry Durkin reported that as authorized he is negotiating with A. K. Johnson cf the Santa Fe for office space in the San Diego Santa Fe station; 2. Members approved installation of a telephone in the office if and when the facility is available; 3. Approved purchase of an addressograph for Association and excursion mailing; 4. Heard that Attorney J. Lightner reported the excursion contract with W. L. Duthie was legal and that both parties have the powers provided for in the contract but suggested that for the protection of both parties the contract should be drawn up in a professional manner by an attorney; 5. Heard that the attorney advised the PSRMA to fully investigate liability problems pertaining to any and all projects operated under the PSRMA name and that casualty insurance agents should be contacted; 6. Learned that individual members are normally not liable but the Association is; 7. Changed the Calico excursion date from April to October; and 8. Elected the 1965 of~ ficers (see list elsewhere).
FEBRUARY 8 BOARD BRIEFS IN PART ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Museum activities were discussed in detail and by-laws will be reviewed; 2. Board will recommend to the membership that PSRMA Inc. advance up to $75 to the Dispatcher for the purchase of a spirit duplicator on a long term basis and providing PSRMA will have access at cost to the facility; 3. Discussed a proposed work project which will be outlined at the next regular meeting; 4. Reviewed the implications to PSRMA of a proposed privately sponsored museum land fund raising project.
THERE IS MUSEUM ACTIVITY IN AND AROUND SAN DIEGO. A Northern County group has been reported checking out a possible location for an operating railway museum - not necessarily in competition with PSRMA....As reported elsewhere on this page a similar project may materialize in the San Diego metropolitan area.....There is no further news at this time of the Coronado steam railroad project reported in Issue 15.... Richard Pennick is looking into the possible purchase of a small, steam locomotive. .....Editor Corky Thomson of the RHSofSD Newsletter wrote the following article in combined January-February issue: "Somewhere to store and display many, many items of historical interest, that is what we need in San Diego. An outdoor operating type museum sounds great but requires time, money and help which we don't seem to have locally. Roy Miller brought up the fact that there are photo collections, of all types regarding railroading in this area.....but no way for them to be seen and appreciated. There must be a good place, a safe place, to display and keep these priceless items. Many will donate collections if they know the items will be used properly and preserved....and not fall into the hands of some individual that will hoard them away. This is the present goal we must work toward, a good permanent display of railroad history in this area.".....Southwest Railway Library which will meet February 26 may have an announcement soon about a "permanent temporary location" for a small research type library which will include the Dodge collection.