PSRMA's November meeting is scheduled for Sunday, November 21, 7:30 p.m., at the Old Library Building in El Cajon. Meeting place is across the street from the fire station. Emil Johnson, retired San Diego Transit System motorman, and his wife will show films of their recent travel in Europe. Included will be views of transit equipment. Mr. Johnson will also show some film of SDERy's street car operation.
Although PSRMA members have supported projects and activities, attendance at meetings has not been good. Stanton Kerr urges each member to place the date on his calendar.
When your editor stopped by Lee Adams home on Mt, Helix, at 2:30 p.m., Sunday, November 7, he found that PSRMA's work party was indeed a work party. Ten members were busily engaged in Car 9 restoration activity; an eleventh, Charles Kent, had just departed after completing a job on the roof of the car.
Sanding of No.9's metal side panels was the self-imposed task of Bill Wootton, Vic Koenigsberg and Dick Pennick. Terry Durkin was replacing worn out or missing sections of end and under bracing and Everette Mardock was sanding the car's end posts.
Charles Gerdes and Stanton Kerr, just returned from a late lunch, were preparing the paint spray rig. In front of the car Walter Hayward was working on the motor; Bill McCray had just pulled the pan. Lee Adams, the host, was meeting the requests of work party members.
Lee said that Car 9 ought to be in operating condition six months from now.
The Model A Ford motor has been cleaned and rewired according to Hayward. The dash had been reassembled by him and then the woodwork refinished and the controls "gold plated" by Lee Adams. Body panels were removed and prepared for sanding and ipainting. Bill Wootton had added some side bracing.
Broken and otherwise damaged roof slats had been replaced and the entire roof painted with yellow jacket (a fiber glass product).
Lee Adams and friends have converted the yard track, about 100 feet, from narrow to standard gauge. Soon the blast of No. 9's horn will be heard on the slopes of Mt. Helix.
A PSRMA committee has completed negotiations with the local management of an area cattle ranch for a museum right-of-way. The proposal has been forwarded to the "Eastern" owners. If approved, the Museum has a potential two mile plus right-of-way. Lease would provide for a minimum rental and a long term lease.
Stanton Kerr, Walter Hayward, Charles Gerdes, Louis Nigro and Dick Pennick have represented PSRMA in the negotiations. Will the proposal be approved? No one really knows.
Masterminded by Terry Durkin, the Museum has located a "for sale" American built operating steam locomotive and has filed a bid of $2400 for its purchase. Will the bid be accepted? There is a good chance that it will.
Financing of the purchase will be by a bank loan secured by ten or more members.
Kerr said that members and friends may obtain details from Board members about both projects. Report will carry the whole story when the proposals are approved - or turned down.
Hayward reports acquisition of several hundred feet of rail. Specific details were not available at press time but they will be related in the next issue. All rail is stored at Walter Hayward's property in Lakeside.