Charles Kent has been appointed editor of Report effective January 1, 1966. Stanton Kerr, PSRMA president, said that Kent replaces Eric Sanders who asked to be relieved of the responsibility so that he could give added time to the Dispatcher. Kent, a switchman for the San Diego & Arizona Eastern Railway Company, has contributed copy for some time to the Report and the Dispatcher. Kent's assistants will be announced in the next issue.
The "Report" of San Diego County Rail Museum Activity was first issued on January 5, 1960. It was published by the Dispatcher to help publicize an effort by Douglas Duncan, Charles Gerdes and Eric Sanders to create interest in the establishment of an operating railway museum in San Diego County. Its columns reflected the discussion at an October 18, 1959 meeting attended by twelve San Diego area railfans. Participants then felt the projected museum should be within the framework of the Railway Historical Society of San Diego.
Additional meetings were held and a second Report was published, this one by Richard Pennick.
The discussion resulted finally in the the formation of the San Diego County Railway Museum on April 16, 1961. Lyle Judd was the first president, Eric Sanders as secretary published Issue 3 of the Report on August 12, 1961.
On August 20, 1961 at SDCRM's third meeting Report was accepted as the Museum' s official publication.
SDCRMA (the word "Association" was added in 1962) on November 17, 1963 was renamed the Pacific Southwest Railway Museum Association. Incorporation was completed on December 20, 1963.
In 1965 Report changed from "irregular" publication to bimonthly.
On June 31 (sic), 1962, the publication Dispatcher also became an official publication of the Museum although it retained primary affiliation with the Railway Historical Society of San Diego. Separate subscriptions are available.
Currently Dispatcher devotes most space to feature material. Dispatcher also includes area railroad and railfan news.
PSRMA's Report and the RHSofSD News-letter (which was first issued on March 22, 1951, then superceded except for one issue by Dispatcher in June 1955, and then revived in 1958) "cover" news of the respective railfan organizations and offer a more intensive coverage of area railroad activity.
Southwest Railway Library is expected to issue an occasional bulletin outlining that organization's activity.
Retiring Report Editor Eric Sanders states that he has enjoyed the responsibility of issuing Report during SDCRMA - PSRMA's formative years. Now that PSRMA is well organized and moving ahead the new editor, Charles Kent, will be kept busy reporting increased activity. Sanders said he is appreciative of Museum progress and he expects that an operating railway museum will soon be reality - not just a dream.
MEETING NOTICE All members are urged to attend the December 19 meeting of PSRMA. Stanton Kerr said the meeting will be a business meeting. PSRMA is dedicated to the establishment of an operating railway museum, he said. PSRMA is on its way and decisions must be made. Agenda will include the financing of the proposed purchase of a locomotive, planning of a movie show at the North Park theater, planning for a January work party - the list is long. Come December 19 at 7:30 p.m. to the Old Library Building in El Cajon (across from the fire station). P.S. 1966 officers will be elected at the meeting.
Eleven PSRMA members participated in the November work party. Good show! Progress is being made on Santa Maria Valley Railroad Car No. 9.
January 9 is the date for the next work party. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Walt Hayward said that work is lined up and materials are available. Mark the date on the calendar. Be there at Lee Adams' home, 4680 Beaumont Drive in La Mesa.
Without good participation in the work day programs Museum progress will be slow. Members got the project off the ground last time, Hayward said, so all concerned should keep the Museum on the move.
Anticipating a favorable decision on PSRMA's bid for a Mexican steam locomotive Terry Durkin, Jack Stodelle and others have reviewed financing needs. A bank loan proved to be impractical so members are being asked to contribute to the fund on a no-interest loan basis. $2000 of the $3400-4000 needed is in sight. Expectation is that the remaining amount can be raised. Repayment is promised.
A railroad movie show is set for Wednesday, March 16, at the North Park theatre according to Stanton Kerr. Jack Stodelle is arranging for the films for which there will be no charge. Guarantee for the 500-seat theater is $150. Tickets will sell at $1.50 each. Half of the cost would be met if each member underwrote two tickets. A promotion committee will be appointed at the December meeting.
Kerr said there are no developments to report in regard to the bid of $2400 for the steam locomotive or for the proposed South County land lease. Another site, this one at Santee, is being investigated, he said.
Walter Hayward said that Terry Durkin, Charles Gerdes and he completed cutting the glass for windows for Car No. 9. Bill McCray has cleaned the oil pump. Richard Pennick is reviewing the content of catalogs and construction manuals. Kent Anderson reports acquisition of books and photographs for the Museum library.
The Museum Committee is now known as the Museum Operating Committee. Wally Duthie now has an excursion committee. Charles Kent, the new editor of Report, is chairman of a publications committee.
Hayward said that by-laws revision is planned to make the new dues official. Regular dues are $5 per year, payable on a calendar year basis if and when confirmed at a regular meeting. Associate member dues will be $2.50.
A recap of Museum Operating Committee officials lists: Stanton Kerr, president and general manager; Walter Hayward, sup-erintendent; Charles Gerdes, master mechanic; Terry Durkin, storekeeper; Richard Pennick, roadmaster; Kent Anderson, librarian; and two positions vacant, namely Custodian of Static Artifacts and Chief Engineer.
President Stanton Kerr said that the Museum needs to make careful plans for the March 16 movie show. Although the overhead for the evening is $150 the possibility remains that PSRMA could show a good profit if members help individually by selling tickets. Many members will have an opportunity to serve on committees which will publicize the event.