The Museum will operate E. J. Lavino No. 10 with one or more passenger carrying cars on Sunday, October 8. This is the day following OET's annual meeting and will be one of several training trips for our fellows who will be operating the equipment in the future.
Other members will be given instructions in operating our equipment in the near future. Remember when its your turn. For instruction that the more who learn the less burden will be placed on the rest of the members.
Persons who will make up the first crews are by necessity not all members of PSRMA. The reason for this being that some experienced people were needed to help the rest of us learn. The first crews who will operate on October 8 will be made up of the following persons: J. McGarry, Terry Durkin, Lee Adams, Pete Botten, Charlie Holcomb, David Willoughby, Jon Compton, Richard Pennick, Eric Sanders, Charles Kent, John Hathaway and George Geyer.
In the interest of safety, it is of importance that no persons, crew, or other wise be allowed to get on or off any car or locomotive while in motion. Please be sure to be careful and use your heads, enjoy yourselves too.
PSRMA Publicity Director, Kent Andersonh has announced that the following films will be on hand for showing at our October 15 meeting:
"Palmdale Cut-Off"
"Safety Film"
"Science Rides the Rails
The film on the Palmdale line is an account of the construction of the new SP line over Cajon Pass. This is its first showing.
A Santa Fe safety film is also slated it should be of great interest in view of our upcoming operations.
The science film deals in the modern day development in railroading, such as rail welding.
APPROVED a mock up of a proposed donation brochure presented by Dave Willoughby, and requested him to continue with the project....
APPROVED a three year contract for boiler insurance costing $156, to be financed by contributions promised by members.
MET with OET board of directors on Sept. 17, to iron out problems in future operations and to come to agreement on costs of steam operations at OET.
Sunday, October 15, is the day PSRMA elects its officers for 1968. The election will take place at the Santa Fe station, upstairs in the safety room. The meeting will begin at 7:30pm.
Persons nominated at our last meeting included: Eric Sanders for president, Stanton Kerr for vice president, Richard Pennick for secretary, David Willoughby for treasurer, Walter Barber for long term board member, and Jon Compton and George Geyer for short term board member.
Also at our last meeting an election committee consisting of the following persons was selected: Walter Hayward, Dan McLean, Kent Anderson, with Wally Duthie to assist if needed.
Ballots may be obtained by out of towners and others unable to attend the meeting on October 15. Those needing absentee ballots should write Walter Hayward, 12067 Riverside Drive, Lakeside, California 92040. All absentee ballots are to be returned to Hayward prior to October 15. Special attention should be paid to instructions on the ballots sent in this manner.
An election review committee, as is called for in our constitution, will be appointed on October 15.
Remember, only your support and good work can make PSRMA a great organization. Be sure to come down to the Santa Fe station on the fifteenth. Hope we will see all of you there.