At PSRMA's general meeting on October 15, 1967, new officers were elected to preside over the museum's activities for 1968. Elected president was Eric Sanders, one of the first members of the group.
Other officers elected were: Stanton Kerr, vice president; Richard Pennick, secretary; David Willoughby, treasurer; Walter Barber, long term board member and Jon Compton, short term board member.
A meeting for the purpose of instructing members in the operation of steam locomotives and various other equipment will be held on November 19.
The meeting will take place at the Orange Empire Trolley Museum, Perris, California. Remember that it is of greatest importance that we all learn as much as we can—please try to be there.
Many of the museum's spare parts are now stored at Walter Barber's equipment yard on Commercial Street in La Mesa. Now we have a place of our own for them, and Mr. Barber needs the space for his own equipment.
Every member who can make it to the Barber storage yard are urged to do so on Sunday, November 12. All hands will be needed.
All members are invited to visit our equipment stored on the Hayward property in Lakeside.
The Santa Maria Valley railbus is located there and it looks sharp too. Also on the property is a former San Diego Electric Railway Company 1926 White line (or tower) truck, which was donated by the South Bay Demolition Co. of Otay.
Members - The PSRMA has come a long way in the past year. We have obtained three locomotives, one of which is operating at OET. Our beautiful 100 ton Shay is in San Diego, it is in ICC operational condition, We have gone a long way towards realizing our dream of an operating museum in San Diego. For years we have talked of getting an operating steam locomotive. It finally came to pass---three fold. We are hot on the trail of land and expect to have a site within a year.
All of this looks rosy doesn't it?? Let's face it, things aren't what they appear to be. Like most museums money is the great problem.
To owe the Reading Railroad $787 and have arranged to pay off this debt at $100 per month. We have the first four payments in sight. We also owe $600 to a couple of members, $145 for locomotive repairs and $472 for insurance.
Most of these debts are due on the 31st of December. If these bills are not paid we could lose our locomotives and be right back where we started in 1961 - flat broke with no equipment!
Several people have asked why we obtained the locomotives and dug ourselves in so deep. Friends, a museum isn't a building or a piece of land, it is the exhibits contained therein. The steam locomotive has disappeared. If we wait much longer we won't have anything to build a museum for.
As I said, we stand to lose it all! We need your help now. Loans will just dig us in deeper. DONATE. Its time to give until it really hurts. Some have more resources than others. Most can dig up $25.00 to $50.00, some $100.00 and a few even more. I would hate to think that I was responsible for the scrapping of on entire museum for just a few dollars. DONATE TODAY.
Terry Durkin, president.