SHAY STEAM-UP JANUARY 1 FOR PUBLIC New Years Eve in San Diego will once again be highlighted by the sound of steam whistles as PSRMA will hold its third annual New Year's Steamup.
The fire will be started in the shay's boiler at 7pm with an expected rolling time of 10pm. Of course midnight will be the highlight as the whistle is blown welcoming in 1970.
This year will be a special thrill for through the efforts of member Bill Richards, the shay will be equipped not only with its own whistle, but with the whistle from the Coos Bay loco and a whistle from Terry Durkin's collection. So bring your tape recorder!!
The shay will be under steam all night with New Year's Day activities beginning with operation for members at 10am and public operation from 12-5pm. Hopefully membership operation can be held after 5pm, dependent on public attendance.
A work party held December l3th was a huge success with the cab being washed down and a new coat of paint applied to the boiler. Those assisting were, Dick Pennick, Bob DiGiorgio, John DeKelso, Jim Lyerla, Dan McLean, Bill Richards, Terry Durkin and Jerry Windle.
Those wishing to serve on the train crew January 1, are requested to attend a training session December 28th at the locos beginning at 2pm.
This year, we are pushing for 500-plus attendance by the general public, so we can use all the help we can get for train crews, crowd control and refreshment handling plus who-knows-what. Any members desiring to help out should attend the training session or contact Bob at 448-6161 for an assignment.
This annual steam-up is one of the club's main functions during the year and as club members it is your duty and privilege to participate so let's see everybody down at the locos on New Year's !!!!
28 - Rehearsal, 2pm at locos for steam-up
31 - New Year's Eve Steam-upJANUARY
1 - New Tear's Day Public Operation
6 - Board Meeting, 7:30pm San Diego Trust A Savings
18 - PSRMA Installation Dinner, 7pm, Sir George's El Cajon
NUMBER CORRECTION: The November issue of REPORT should have been number 62 rather than number 61. This issue is number 63 as shown above.
LEASE NEGOTIATIONS: PSRMA and Santa Fe are currently re-negotiating the track leases for the locos and car 576. More details will follow in next month's REPORT.
CONTRACT ENDS: The contract between PSRMA and Wally Duthie's travel interests will officially end Dec. 31.
PSRMA BANQUET:The installation banquet the the 1970 PSRMA officers will be held at Sir George's Smorgasborg in El Cajon on January 18th at 7pm. Program will be Phil Middlebrook and George Oliver showing films of their recent European travels and railroads.
INFO BROCHURE: The publication of our museum info brochure in place of the December REPORT was postponed due to the negotiations with the Santa Fe. Plans are for publication in early 1970.
FILM FESTIVAL: Plans continue for the film festival. Chop Kerr has posters available for distribution in key public areas. Members are urged to share in their distribution. Contact Chop at 291-4787 for your posters!!!
RENEWALS: Don't forget your dues for 1970. It will be an active year so don't be left out. Renew today!!
RHS BANQUET: The RHSofSD installation banquet will be held on January 5th at the Campus Chuck Wagon. Contact Gladys Trains Skeen for details at 284-3449.
FLYING SCOTSMAN: We are grateful to Fort Worth member H. H. Windle for his excellent pictures of the recent visit of the Scotsman to Texas. San Diego City Councilman Allen Hitch reports that although efforts failed to bring the Scotsman here this year, it will be in San Diego in the spring of 1970.
BOARD MEETING: The monthly Board of Directors meeting will be held January 6th in the Trust Room of the San Diego Trust and Savings Bank beginning at 7:30pm.
Season's Greetings