The following Regular members have renewed for 1970: Jack Barich, C.L. Benbow, Peter W. Botten, George R. Boyd, Christian N. Brown, Donald Carr, Robert Allen Clark, Vernon W. Cook, Richard E. Cree, Tarrant A. Gooch, Mr. & Mrs. Russel A. Hadley, John F. Hathaway, Alan E. Hill, David C. Hobson, H. C. Kerr, Karen J. Lindquist, Greg Luiz, Vernon E. Mardock, Jr., Eileen B. Matson, Daniel McLean, Daniel J. Marnell, Raoul Morales, David L. Parkinson, Richard E. Pennick, J. A. Pers, Ward A. Peterson, Andrew W. Proctor, Hugh T. Smith, John A. Swanson and Richard H. Tullis.
Contributing members who have renewed are: David Armstrong, Raymond A. Beck, Charles T. Briar, D.D. Busch, Kevin E. Caldwell, John M. Cranston, Chaplain Arthur L. Dominy, George Dull, Peter Duncan, Mrs. Helen D. Edelin, R. Don Geelan, Arthur A. Gomes, Dale Guidry, R.V. Harrell, Gene Hatfield, Ed Herfter, Herbert Hirach, Dr. Harold E. Kirkby, John D. Kelso, Gus C. Klindt, Paul Kremen, Lawrence A. Lare, Mrs. Loise Leesman, H.W. Patrick, Donald L. Pope, Loretta Proctor, Thomas B. Sandlin, Rindge Shima, Charles V. Singer, Jr., John Weberg, Mrs. Bea Walker, Arthur B. Wilson, III, Frank B. Wisner, Cass Witkowski, Mrs. Mildred J. Woody and Victor Koenigsberg.
This list is as of January 31, 1970. So if you haven't renewed for 1970 be sure and do so soon. A renewal form has been provided in this issue of REPORT for your convenience. Hope to have you with us in 1970! !
Past efforts at obtaining a museum site through donation of land or the use of publicly owned areas have been largely unsuccessful, This has not been due to lack of effort. On the contrary, we have made formal and informal requests at all levels of government in an effort to obtain a site. The land committee has a thick dossier of correspondence to substantiate our efforts. Our most recent proposal was to utilize the Del Mar Fairgrounds. This proposal is unacted upon by the Southern California Exposition (Fairground Managers) and there is little hope of an early or favorable decision.
Efforts with both the city and county of San Diego to have the PSRMA museum site master-planned into new area park facilities are continuing. With the unsuccessful attempts for public land use as guidance, the land committee has shifted its efforts to searching for privately held land outside the metropolitan area and adjacent to an existing rail line.
Although land in the North County bordering the AT&SF is being considered, the cost per acre is high. Hence the prime emphasis is being placed on land along the SD&AE in the East County largely paralleling Route 94 between Campo and Jacumba. Reasonable land prices still exist in this vicinity. Negotiations are being pursued with several owners of large holdings and real estate firms.
The land committee presented its findings concerning alternative sites and acquisition terms to the Board at the February meeting. The Board will consider any favorable alternatives in greater detail with the hope of reaching a decision and making a committment this spring. If no site can be secured using this approach, the land committe will in all likelyhood recommend an interim site be utilized (perhaps a siding in Chula Vista or Otay) so that museum operations can be continued and expanded at the earliest possible date.
Our two new tank cars that were temporarily stored at the Crosby Street spur have been moved to near Harbor Dr and 8th Street. These are on private property and now the museum does not have to pay rental to the Santa Fe for their storage.
GENERAL FUND CAR 576 FUND Cash on Hand, January 1, 1969 $689.06 - Cash Receipts Dues - Regular Members $350.00 - Dues - Contributing Members 195.00 - Donations 154.68 803.37 Operation of Museum (loss) -124.03 Los Angeles Excursion 128.91 Funds Borrowed - Car 576 1350.00 Miscellaneous 20.28 Total $595.93 $2282.28 Cash Disbursements: Rent $205.00 $100.00 Insurance 273.00 Telephone 109.21 Stationery & office supplies 169.80 Postage 151.53 Flowers 27.83 Donations - Pueblo Fund 25.00 Dues - O.E.T. Association 10.00 Purchase of Car 576 1312.50 Loans Repaid 100.00 100.00 Interest Expense 58.00 22.50 Freight - E.J. Lavino Locomotive 200.00 Prepaid expenses - Movie series 102.28 Miscellaneous 36.97 Total $1468.62 1535.00 Cash on Hand, December 31, 1969 $-183.63 $747.28 Amounts Owed: Tom Matson $400.00 Russel & Gertrude Hadley $100.00 Eric Sanders 50.00 Peter Botten 500.00 San Diego Trust & Savings 500.00 William H. Adam 100.00 $400.00 $1250.00 As can be seen from the above figures, our financial condition is not good. The General Fund is overdrawn in the amount of $183.63, while the Car 576 Fund still has a balance of $747.28, or net cash on hand of $563.65, However, we owe a total of $1,650.00.
Published by and for PSRMA. Editor Thomas W. Matson, Asst. Editor and Photographer, Jerry Windle; and staff Bob DiGiorgio, John Hathaway and George Geyer. Contributions to the REPORT may be mailed to Editor, REPORT, PSRMA, P.O. Box 12096, San Diego, CA 92112.
14 - Membership only steamup of Shay 9am — 6pm
15 - Open House at Shay with Don Carr
21 - Open House at OET 9am till llpm
22 - Open House at Shay with Bob DiGiorgioMARCH
1 - Open House at Shay with Dave Parkinson
3 — PSRMA Board Meeting 7:30pm SD Trust & Savings- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -