New Orleans Public Service Car 961 at West End of St. Charles Street Car Line. February 9, 1968.Continued from page 1 ...
tional type - the oldest cars in operating service now in the US or Canada. If you want to go to New Orleans by train take the "San Diegan" and the SP "Sunset".
New Orleans Public Service Car 945 at St. Francis Circle and St. Charles Avenue. February 9, 1968
Fort Worth's Leonard's Free Subway car at station 2 in the Leonard's parking lot. February 11, 1968.
Fort Worth's Leonard's Free Subway Car nearing subway portal for trip to the department store. February 11, 1968.Fort Worth's free subway surface streetcar line is the next and smallest system covered here. This line is run as a shopper's service from a special parking lot 3/4 of a mile from downtown to the basement of Leonard's Department store. People can park and ride to work or to shop in the store or downtown Fort Worth. The cars are modernized Capital Transit PCC cars from Washington, DC.
El Paso City Lines Car 1513 at the International Border. February 13, 1968."El Paso's international streetcar line operated by the El Paso City Lines is a very interesting and inexpensive loop operation. It loops between downtown El Paso and downtown Juarez, Mexico and provides transportation for Mexican workers living in Mexico and working in the US. Many tourists use the all street operation line to do shopping in Juarez. The 20 PCC type cars used on the line are former San Diego PCC Cars. They are modified by having only one operating truck as compared to two on the standard PCC car. They also have longitudinal seating arrangements around the car so perhaps 100 or more people can be "crowded" into the center of the car.
El Paso City Line Car 1544 at South West Portion of loop in a snowstorm. February 13, 1968.These lines are operating daily and provide the opportunity for the railfan to ride, photograph and reminisce about the "good old days" of trolleys. PSRMA offers to the railfan who has a particular interest in trolleys a traction committee whose purpose is to obtain a trolley for the museum and other equipment associated with trolley operations. Their activities are scheduled in the calendar in this issue as well as other specific articles. For further information please contact Tom Matson 273-8951.
Persons interested in traction should set aside Friday evening March 20th for a meeting of PSRMA's traction committee. All people should feel free to attend the meeting which will begin at 7:30 pm at Gary Johnson's house, 7422 Tweed St, Lemon Grove. Phone 465-1838. Plans call for discussion of the acquisition of streetcars for the museum, work on the SDERy PCC Car 508 at OET, San Diego Car body acquisition, expansion of the traction committee membership and support and the further support of the museum's restoration of the SDERy line truck the museum owns. After the business meeting, trolley pictures will be shown. Traction Committee chairman is Tom Matson, 4282 Taos Drive, San Diego, CA 92117. Phone 273-8951 for further details.