REPORT MISCELLANIATreasurer Dave Hobson is in the El Cajon Valley Hospital recuperating from a bad fall. Dave broke both arms and a kneecap when he fell from a ladder at his home. He will be in the hospital for at least two more weeks and then will be at home for another four to six weeks. He would love to hear from PSRMA members. You may write to him directly at the hospital, Room 406, El Cajon Valley Hospital, El Cajon, CA. Here's hoping that we see Dave up and about soon. Dave is one of our most active members and he will be missed during the upcoming holiday season. Get well soon, Dave.
New officers for PSRMA in 1971 who were elected at the October meeting will be installed at the annual dinner in January.
Those officers are: H. C. Kerr, Jr, President; Dave Parkinson, Vice-President; Bill Richards, Treasurer; Karen Hathaway. Secretary; Bob DiGiorgio, Board Member at large. A Review Committee was selected which consists of: Raoul Morales and Bob Hastings, three-year term, Stan Kerr and Eric Sanders, two year term and Jerry Windle, a one year term.
BADGES AT LAST. New badges for PSRMA members are now available. The badges which are blue with black lettering are three inches in diameter. A center slot provides space for the member's name. These badges are available from Dick Pennick, 9584 Upland, Spring Valley, 463-2276. Cost for each is $1. The badges will be available at the installation dinner.
Enclosed in this Issue of the Report is our new standard Application-Renewal Form. In an effort to be able to keep better tabs on our membership we have instituted this new form for our membership records.
All new members applying for the first, time, and all old members renewing are requested to use this new form. These forms are our actual membership records, and all Report mailing lists and membership rosters will be taken from these forms.
On the roaters, by each member's name, will be a series of numbers corresponding to the list of interests on the Application-Renewal Form. This method will allow the appointed department heads and officers of PSRMA to know exactly what your interests and desires are. We hope to be able to offer more members the opportunity to actively participate if they so desire.
So please, when you renew, use the Application-Renewal Form. If you have already renewed for 1971 or have joined since last October first, fill out the form and check the box "payment previously made."
Mail the completed form to me (Jonn F. Hathaway, Director of Records & Personnel, 4215 Dwight Street, San Diego, 92105). If you should loose your form, just drop me a line and I'll send you another one.
It is Imperative that every member have an Application-Renewal Form on file. Please take a couple of minutes, fill it out completely, and mail it to me with your dues. Your help is needed!
John Hathaway
Director of Records & Personnel
PSRMA's annual banquet will be held January 17th at the La Mesa Sir George's Smorgasborg on University Avenue beginning at 7:30 pm. The featured program for the evening will be a pictorial history of PSRMA's biggest moments. Slides and movies will be combined into an entertaining program featuring the numerous shay steamups, Puerto Penasco trips and other exciting events in our history. A mailing will be made in early January with more information and directions for reservations. So hold this date open on your calendar. It will be a good show you don't want to miss.
As the new year approaches, there ia a atrong temptation to stop and look back at the past two years, either with satisfaction or dismay.
I have looked back, briefly; but long enough to experience both satisfaction and dismay.
I have been satisfied with the transition our house organ REPORT has made, from a good, mimeographed looseleaf to a fine, illustrated publication any group would be proud of.
I am dismayed that the "Flying Scot" did not come to San Diego.
I am satisfied with the large number of San Diegans who were pleasantly introduced to the Museum for the first time in the hot cab of a steam locomotive on Entlow Spur, but dismayed that Museum membership is not larger as a result.
I am satisfied with the generous financial assistance provided during the succesaful campaign to save our Union Pacific car #576.
I am satisfied that a historic San Diego railroad building and other railroad items were saved.
I have been satisfied with the concerted efforts of the Land Committee, but dismayed that after 9 years our main problem is still a permanent home.
I am satisfied with the knowledge that the Museum has had the support and attention of individuals the likes of the late Charles Kent.
I am satisfied with the earnest attempts that have been made to create among our membership a sense of involvement and participation in Museum activities, but dismayed to find that these efforts have largely been unsuccessful. The line—truck restoration, yard office project, and even member-only steamups are typical activities recommended, for those individuals who enjoy working alone.
I am satisfied with the conviction that, in the coming years, there will be less excuse for dismay and efforts of ALL members. "United we stand..."
Richard E. Pennick
President, PSRMA