Installation Dinner Sunday Evening At 7:30 pm
PSRMA's big event of the year is close at hand. Sunday, January 17th is the date for the annual installation banquet to be held at the La Mesa Sir George's Smorgasborg, 6942 University, beginning at 7:30 pm.
The annual dinner is a "change of command" for PSRMA. Each year the outgoing officers recap the past year's activities and the incoming officers officially assume their duties for the coming year. This takes place during a brief business meeting held just before the program.
This year a special election must be held to fill the position of Board-Member-At-Large which was vacated by Chop Kerr when he was elected President for 1971. The newly elected member will fill out the remaining 11 months of Chop's two-year term.
The program for the dinner will be rather unique. Program chairman Kent Anderson has collected slides and movies from members and has arranged them to provide a "Pictorial History of PSRMA". Events to be highlighted include steam—ups, excursions, arrival of equipment in San Diego and other activities PSRMA has been involved in its history. So for members both old and new this promises to be one program you certainly don't want to miss.
Tickets for the dinner are $2.75 each. An envelope is enclosed for your order. Since the dinner is this weekend, don't delay in returning your order. Tickets will also be available at the restaurant. If your tickets aren't received by the 17th, they will be at the restaurant. This will be one dinner you won't want to miss, so come out and supoort our new officers for the coming year!!!
ALL WET. The latest piece of railroadiana PSRMA has acquired is an 8,000 gallon wooden water tank. The redwood water tank was donated by Mr. & Mrs. Joel Cloud and is located at 1463 E. Lexington Ave., El Cajon. The tank sits about 300 feet south of the road in a clump of pepper trees so you'll have to look closely to see it. The tank lacks the necessary equipment and hardware for conversion to a locomotive tank, but Dick Pennick has most of the hardware including a spout which was salvaged off an old abandoned logging railroad tank in the Sierras years ago.
FLAT CARS: The 1910ish flatcars are now officially PSRMA equipment as of December llth. The paperwork for the donation was received only recently with the December date as the day we had to have the cars moved. Thanks to the fast work of member Chaplain A. L. Dominy, the cars are now stored temporarily on trackage at the base. The cars have truss rods, but no arch bar trucks. However, the trucks on the cars are outdated so movement to San Diego will have to be other than by rail.
BADGES AT LAST. New badges for PSRMA members are now available. The badges which are blue with black lettering are three inches in diameter. A center slot provides space for the member's name. These badges are available from Dick Pennick, 9584 Upland, Spring Valley, 463-2276. Cost for each is $1. The badges will be available at the installation dinner.
17 - Annual Dinner, Sir George's, La Mesa, 7:30 pmFebruary
2 - Board Meeting, 7:30pm San Diego Trust & Savings