Gentle readers, I am deferring my expose on the successes and failures of organizations similar to PSRMA for a future column. This information will be combined with thoughts and ideas relating to fund raising.
VOLUNTEERS PLEASE STEP FORWARD!— PSRMA is in a very critical position because of two continuirg vacancies in the Administrative Staff and the just received resignation of one of our able members who has been serving in two positions for the past couple of years. The particular jobs that are vacant require encumbents that are dedicated, self-starters, and especially willing and able to educate themselves to more effectively execute their duties and responsibilities. PSRMA is too small to pass the buck far on assuming responsibilities.
It would be impossible to present "Position Descriptions" in my limited space, but I will spell out very broadly the duties required in the four vacant positions. If anyone wants to roll up his or her sleeves and give a try at filling one of these important positions, please call H. Chalmers Kerr, Jr., or Dave Parkinson. The vacant positions are:
GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT, the head of the Operations Department. He is responsible for the repair and maintenance of all motive power, rolling stock, electrical equipment, shop tools, and related equipment. He sees that a high standard of safety and a high quality of workmanship are maintained in the working areas and on the equipment. It is his responsibility to stop or limit the operation of all motive power, rolling stock or equipment under his supervision when he deems it necessary for safety or maintenance. He will appoint as many foremen as necessary for the efficient operation of his department.
MASTER MECHANIC, the right hand man of the General Superintendent. Some of the duties of the General Superintendent are deligated to the Master Mechanic. He has the direct responsibility for supervision of all maintenance and repair tasks spelled out under the General Superintendent's duties.
PUBLIC RELATIONS DIRECTOR, the head of the Public Relations Department. This individual has to plan and execute a vigorous publicity program for the Association. He will assist the Board and other staff members with special promotion and publicity campaigns as needed. Contacts with the news media and other organizations are part of his (or her!) duties.
CHAIRMAN OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE, along with the Committee members, has the primary responsibility of maintaining a steady flow of workable ideas for programs and projects that will generate revenue. The Committee makes preliminary investigations and feasibility studies of fund raising ideas. Their recommendations are taken under advisment by the Board of Directors.
More detailed discussion about job responsibilities will be held with each interested member.
JULY 18TH GENERAL MEETING—It's that time again. We will meet in the La Sala Room of the House of Hospitality in Balboa Park at 7:00 p.m. Coffee and donuts will be served for the hungry ones.
The evening's entertainment will include a special collection of 16 mm movies made available by member Bill Wootton ton, including steam action on the Magma Railroad of Arizona and a Laural & Hardy flick which features a number of shots of streetcars in the late 1920s. All in all, a good combination for an enjoyable evening of entertainment.
NOMINATIONS DUE - The July 18th meeting will be an important one for PSRMA as this is the yearly meeting for nominations for officers of the upcoming year.
H. Chalmers Kerr, Jr.