The scheduled August 7th steamup of PSRMA's ex-Feather River Railway Shay #3 at Miramar has been postponed by the Association's Board of Directors.
There were a number of reasons for this action taken at the August 3rd meeting. Miramar's Public Works Officer informed Association officials the property damage and liability insurance would have to be increased drastically for another steamup, and investigations by President "Chop" Kerr revealed this would amount to 300-350 dollars.
The Miramar officer also said PSRMA, would be allowed only one steamup a year in the future although there is hope this limitation in operation can be eased to allow two or three steamups annually.
So instead of spending the additional insurance money (for one year coverage , the minimum available), the Board decided to postpone the event until the question of the number of steamups a year can be decided and/or the arrival of the ex-E.J. Lavino #10 from Perris will allow a dual stsamup at Miramar.
And besides that, it's been pretty hot lately and without batteries ex-Union Pacific coach #576 would be like an oven!
So a steamup is still in the near future, and we hope this postponment won't be too much of a disappointment for the numerous members who have worked so hard in the past few months getting the Shay and the coach ready. Hopefully it won't be too long before they're running,out at at Miramar.
The July General Meeting once again was something of a disappoirtment; only 16 people showed up. In an effort to improve attendance, the Board has taken a couple of steps in trying to gear these meetings to more of the members' interests.
The October General Meeting will be held on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22ND in the La Sala Room of the House of Hospitality. The traditional Sunday night date was changed in hopes more members would find Friday night more convenient.
The Board also instructed John Hathaway to develop a new format for these meetings that would appeal more to the members. Some of the ideas he has thrown out so far include elimination of the traditional business meeting section (except for nominations or elections requiring the participation of all members in attendance). Instead, Association officers and staff would be on hand to answer any questions on a personal basis. John has also suggested three or four separate "shows" for an evening, with one member in one section of the meeting room presenting, say, a railroad publicity movie, while another member is showing his collection of railroad slides in another area. Members and guests in attendance would be free to wander from "show" to "show" and stop and watch only when interested. If you have any further suggestions for improving these meetings, give John a call at 283-5195 evenings.